How Using OptifAI® to Schedule Staff Can Save Your Business Money

September 26, 2023

Now more than ever, it’s important to look out for cost-saving opportunities. Whether that’s cutting out unnecessary overtime hours, reducing excess travel expenses, or streamlining business practices to eradicate unproductive wage costs.  Investing in a dedicated employee scheduling software solution that is designed to cut costs, simplify processes, and maximise efficiency might just be the answer you’ve been looking for.

In this article, we’ll show you just some of the ways OptifAI® will save you money, whilst streamlining time-consuming company procedures and enhancing employee productivity across the board.

Cut scheduling time in half

How much time per week do you currently spend producing rotas, reassigning shifts, and reallocating replacement workers? We bet it’s a sizable chunk of your working week. OptifAI® can significantly reduce this by using clever, artificially intelligent algorithms to create bespoke schedules. By doing most of the leg work for you, OptifAI® creates rotas in minutes – saving you precious time and money. 

Avoid unnecessary overtime

Think of all the money you currently spend paying your staff for overtime worked. What if this cost was completely avoidable?  Thanks to its artificially intelligent algorithms, OptifAI® helps you to make informed scheduling decisions, forecast hours, and eliminate the demand for overtime without the use of complicated spreadsheets or wage calculators. 

Reduce staff turnover

The home care industry is notorious for its high staff turnover rates. Not only is caring for others a demanding job, but the role usually comes with long hours and back-to-back shifts. Although some of these challenges are completely unavoidable due to the nature of the industry, there are things that can be done to lighten the load on our busy home care staff and make their job that little bit easier. OptifAI® fAI works to ensure that no employee is overworked is never allocated a shift that doesn't suit them or placed in calls that they are under-qualified for, to help reduce both the physical and emotional pressure and make their job more manageable. When people are content in their roles, they are less likely to leave, which means you can eliminate all the costs associated with unnecessary recruitment.

Speed up payroll

The dreaded monthly payroll run is one that we all want to avoid. But it doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated. Payroll is one of those tasks that can be easily automated with the use of an innovative scheduling tool like OptifAI. Access rotas in an instant to check and confirm hours worked and run your payroll in minutes. Say goodbye to hours of combing through mounds of spreadsheets!

Avoid staff burnout 

Burnout is a serious problem among home care staff. The long working hours coupled with back-to-back shifts often lead to home care staff facing physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. To avoid this, we must create schedules that support a healthy work-life balance for our care staff. Breaks between shifts, providing enough staff for the role and allowing for days off where possible will help to support our home care staff and avoid burnout.

OptifAI® has proven its ability to create employee-centered schedules that support their working abilities and help to create a balanced shift pattern. Without a doubt, using a dedicated employee scheduling software like OptifAI® will not only save you money but enhance the productivity and performance of your workforce too.

We know how remarkable OptifAI® is and we are confident we can reduce your worker time spent manually scheduling and Increase worker productivity, so why not try FREE today? email us at 

We know how remarkable OptifAI® is and we are confident we can reduce your worker time spent manually scheduling and Increase worker productivity, so why not try FREE today? email us at 

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