“OptifAI® has reduced the time I spend creating schedules"
Rest Assured Homecare (UK) Limited provide short and long term adult home care in West Norfolk, East Cambridgeshire and South Lincolnshire in the United Kingdom.
“OptifAI® has reduced the time I spend creating schedules"
Emma wanted to streamline her scheduling process and make it more efficient while improving the company’s continuity of care. Emma also wants to ensure that as the business grows and new coordinator staff are taken on, they all plan and manage schedules efficiently and consistently.
In October 2019 Rest Assured Homecare added OptifAI® to their scheduling software. The innovative artificially intelligent algorithms matched carers to service user visits, at the times the visits needed to happen with the people who could fulfil the visits’ requirements. Most importantly, OptifAI® did this with the same people, minimising the number of different carers assigned to service users, resulting in Rest Assured Homecare providing exceptional continuity of care, earning them a fantastic reputation as a good quality home care provider in the community. OptifiAI did this while maximising Rest Assured Homecare’s staff utilisation, reducing operational costs and increasing profit margins.
"Not only has OptifAI permitted me to utilise my care staff better, reduced my operational costs and increased my profit margins, but it has also contributed to enhanced employee benefits and improved work-life balance for my staff".
“OptifAI® has reduced the time I spend creating schedules by half, from two-days a week, to one, freeing up my time to work on my business, rather than in it. This has empowered me to to expand my start-up home care business at a much faster rate".
“As my business grows I am taking on more staff. I can preset the scheduling parameters in OptifAI® giving me confidence my new care coordinators are able to produce schedules efficiently, consistently, and most importantly, the way I want them done".
“In my first year, OptifiAI has saved me £4.5k a year in care coordinator wages. Their time is now better utilised by reviewing care plans and creating plans for new services, delivering a better return on investment on their wages".
“Not only has OptifAI® streamlined my scheduling process, saving time in the office, but it has made my schedules more efficient, resulting in me freeing up carer time too. This has enabled me to take on more business, without the expense of additional staff".
“OptifAI® has equipped us to offer greater continuity of care. This is important to my business, as it encourages personal relationships between carers and service users. This has helped us develop an excellent reputation as a leading home care provider in our area, and we benefit from this good reputation from a business perspective".
“Not only has OptifAI® permitted me to utilise my care staff better, reduced my operational costs and increased my profit margins, but it has also contributed to enhanced employee benefits and an improved work-life balance for my staff".
“My carer team are paid for the time they spend giving care. OptifAI®utilises their time better by reducing downtime and travel time between service user visits, which is a much better use of their time and means they are paid for more of their working day. Morale is certainly up since we implemented OptifAI® and we have a reputation as a great place to work".
Learn how OptifAI can help your business